I Am – Bible Study

I am the bread of life. - John 6:35
I am the light of the world. - John 8:12
I am the gate. - John 10:9
I am the good shepherd. - John 10:11
I am the resurrection and the life. - John 11:25
I am the way , the truth and the life. - John 14:6
I am the true vine - John 15:1
- Date: April 1, 2020
- Topics: bread, gate, I am, Jesus, Life, Light, resurrection, shepherd, truth, vine, way
- Preacher: James Hanna, Rev. Arthur Connor Jr.
- Books: John
- Series: Bible Study
- Passage: John 6:35, John 8:12, John 10:9, John 10:11, John 11:25, John 15:1 John 14:6
- Service Type: Bible Study
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