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Life | Escaping the Entanglement
God is with us in the midst of difficult moments. v1-6 IF WE ARE GOING TO ESCAPE THE ENTANGLEMENT WE MUST: Commit to radical purity. [I Thess. 4:3-5} Know you are…
Life | Hatred, Envy & Malice
Series: Life Message: Hatred, Envy & Malice (Genesis 37:5-28)  A life in the hand of God is never wasted. 
Life | A Dysfunctional Family
A life in the hand of God is never wasted.  In life, God can use us despite our dysfunction (v2) In life, we need to do what is right (v3) In life, showing favoritism can be dangerous (v4-5) In life, suffering and hardship doesn’t mean you’re not…
Unify to Glorify
Unify to Glorify "Cant we all just get along?"   Note 1:) A heart that is truly impacted  by the Gospel will consider others beyond themselves Note 2: ) Unity…
From the Ashes, We Will Rise
How do we rise from the ashes? 1. Press Pause | Nehemiah 1:1: 2:1 a. Pray | Nehemiah 1:4-12 b. Plan c. Prepare | Nehemiah 2:4-8 2. Perpend Perceptions |…
What Now? | Caring for the Hurting
What Now? | Caring for the Hurting He cared enough to ask (vv1-3) He cared enough to weep (v4) He cared enough to pray and repent (vv 5-10) He cared enough to commit to making a difference (v11)…
What Now? | The Life of a Father
What Now Moments: His son wanted to leave his presence: The Father Allowed his child to make his own choice. (vv.11-13) His son came back home: The father left room…
What Now? | Take Us There.
Take Us There - What Now? Sermon Series. Pastor Mark Hamilton preaching from bible text Joshua 1:1-2
What Now? | Overlooked
Problem:  A group of people were being overlooked. v1 Solution:  They listened and responded quickly. v1 They never neglected the mission. v2  They gave the people a voice. v3 They chose good representation v3-5  They gave attention to prayer and the Word of God. v4 Unity and love will bring increase.
What Now? | Divided by Race
Divided by Race We can’t stay silent or overlook racial issues. (vv 11-12) Knowing the gospel is not enough. (v 14) Justification by faith alone. (vv 15-16) Transformation happens through the power of the gospel. (v17-21)
What Now? | Job
Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? Note1: Seeing ourselves to be good creates the sense of entitlement that exempt us from suffering. Note 2 :Satan…
What Now? | Help
Series: What Now  Message: Help (2 Kings 4:1-7) v1 Be Humble v2 Do what you can to help others vv2-3 Use what you have vv4-5 Live by Faith vv6-7 His grace is enough God’s grace to needy sinners set’s us free from debt and slavery.