Reboot | Rebooting Your View of The Church

Rebooting Your View of The Church
Series: Reboot

Church leaders need to take heed of their own spiritual condition. v28
Church Elders are called to care for the church of God. v28

The church was bought with blood v28
The church and Jesus are tightly together. (Act 9:4)
The New Testament Picture of the Church
The Body (1 Cor 12:27, Eph 1:22-23)
The Flock (John 10:7-9, John 10:11, 1 Pet 5:1-4)
The Building (Eph 2:19-22)
The Bride (Rev 19:7-9, Eph 5:25-27)

Marks of the church:

  • -True preaching of the Word
  • -Proper observance of the sacraments
  • -Disciple-Making
  • -Faithful exercise of church discipline.

The Local Church is not optional in Christian life. (Matt 16:18)
