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What Now? | Overlooked
Problem:  A group of people were being overlooked. v1 Solution:  They listened and responded quickly. v1 They never neglected the mission. v2  They gave the people a voice. v3 They chose good representation v3-5  They gave attention to prayer and the Word of God. v4 Unity and love will bring increase.
Bible Study – John Chapter 1
Bible Study - The Book of John - John Chapter 1 Rev. Arthur Connor Jr., Lead Pastor James Hanna, Youth Director
What Now? | Divided by Race
Divided by Race We can’t stay silent or overlook racial issues. (vv 11-12) Knowing the gospel is not enough. (v 14) Justification by faith alone. (vv 15-16) Transformation happens through the power of the gospel. (v17-21)
What Now? | Help
Series: What Now  Message: Help (2 Kings 4:1-7) v1 Be Humble v2 Do what you can to help others vv2-3 Use what you have vv4-5 Live by Faith vv6-7 His grace is enough God’s grace to needy sinners set’s us free from debt and slavery.
Why Pain and Suffering
Trusting Jesus give us victory over death, but not an exception from pain and suffering. Mary’s and Martha’s Plan. (v1-3) Jesus’ motive is to display His love and for God’s…
Bible Study – John Chapter 6
Bible Study - The Book of John - John Chapter 6 Rev. Arthur Connor Jr., Lead Pastor James Hanna, Youth Director
What is Sin?
What is SIN? (I John 3:4-10/Gen 2:16-17) Sin entered a perfect creation and all fell from glory.  What is Sin? Sin is loving anything more than God. It is thinking, speaking, or acting in ways that…
Why Did God Create Me?
We did not create God, but God created us.  Gen 1:1 Why does human beings exist? Because God made us Ps. 95:6 God didn’t create us out of a need for himself  Ps 50:9-12 God creates…
Who Is God?
God is known through the world He has made. (Ps 19:1-2, Rom 1:19-20 & Gen 1:1-2) God is known through His creation (Gen 1:26-28) God doesn’t need anything. (Acts 17:24-25) God is good and perfect. (James 1:17)…
Easter Sunday – Jesus Died and Rose for Us
Easter Sunday Service Jesus Died and Rose for Us Text: I Cor 15:1-6/Luke 24:6-7 Rev. Arthur Connor Jr
Good Friday – Jesus Died for Us
Good Friday Service Jesus Died for Us Rev. Arthur Connor Jr Rev. Mark Hamilton James Hanna
Hope In Danger
Hope for our Past: Peace with God. (Romans 5:1) Present Hope: Access to God. (Romans 5:2) Future Hope: Hope of the glory of God. (Romans 5:2) Hope doesn’t eliminate danger…