He Did What? (2)
Every battle is a spiritual battle. Whether it’s Abram’s rescue of Lot, or God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt, or Joshua’s conquest of the promised land, or David extending the boundaries of his kingdom, every battle is a spiritual battle, and God is a warrior who fights for His people.
He Did What? (1)
What I mean to do by drawing attention to “God for you” is to highlight the ultimate plan/cosmic warfare aspect of the epistle.
A Primer on the Not-So-Minor Minor Prophets
Nestled in the middle of our Bibles are twelve short books commonly referred to as the Minor Prophets. Perhaps it’s the designation “minor” that has led some Bible readers to neglect these sacred works. Or maybe it’s because several of the books are rarely preached from Sunday morning pulpits, a reality that has led many to conclude they must not be all that important.